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Original Creation

Diversity shock 2

Voy Kay 29 Sep 2021

This creation is part of a project I was asked to do by my city, where several local as well as some professional artists were asked to paint an electrical cabinet.
Those cabinets (mine was metal and measured 5 foot by 6!!) were prepared with a special primer and some tape was issued on the door handles.
When the creation was finished, I merely needed to take some pictures and send them over. Later on, a special team will add a protective coating over it. All creations will be published in a flyer as well as on a website. Also all artists will be invited in city hall to share some stories, champaign and an encounter with the local press.

The creation itself was completely done with acrylics (designed for outdoor use) and consists of a 'Bob Ross combination of two works, namely 'Desert glow' and 'Reflections of gold'. I listed several pictures of the process and the completed work.

Applying the acrylics was horror, since I started in full sunshine and the paint dried in seconds, rather then minutes, manner of speaking! I wasn't too thrilled about the giant size of the thing but with some 3,5 inch brushes used for the bigger parts, I managed well I think.
I used freestyle for most of the creation, since sliding paint like Bob does was hardly an option here.
In total, this creation spanned two days and took some 6 hours for completing it. I already received word from the organization that they were very happy with the result. Same critics I heard from over a dozen of locals and neighbours that passed by and really were excited and pleased with this idea to flourish up their neighbourhood.

I must admit that their cheers added a lot to my fun of creating this! I already enlisted myself to do another one in the near future, what do you think?!

Featured Article Painting on a giant canvas.


Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Oh and please, forgive me for the shadow on some pictures of the traffic sign nearby, and for the plus size of the creator!

I think it's a brilliant conception Voy and you did a fantastic job! This is such a novelty and really interesting. Well done. Would make a great TIB challenge!

flippergirlpaints Top Event Submitter

This is super cool Voy! What an awesome opportunity. I agree that using acrylics in the sun would be quite challenging, but your creation turned out wonderful! I am wondering if people stopped to talk to you while you were painting?

Beautiful combo

Wonderful Voy, thanks for sharing! Bob would be very happy with this cabinet!

Felix Creator of

Extremely cool project! I'm very happy to see you being out painting again, standing on both feet!

Really beautiful and love the two different themes! Bob Ross would be so proud!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Great idea TLP, I fully behind that and will pass that through to Felix!

Thanks for your cheers my friend, I will share the link to the other creations (22 in total) as soon as it becomes available.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

So happy to read you Tom, thanks so much!!
It was an overwhelming challenge at first. This thing was huge and I never painted art with acrylics before! I really had to rush and even then my paint dried on the palet in record time, which at times was frustrating. That's the reason why I came back early morning on my second paint day, so I had a few hours of shadow to work in!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Great to read your cheers Flippergirlpaints! I must agree, I was low at heart after the first day (the desert scenery which was very hard to do) but took some great motivation with the snowy landscape on the second day!

You would not believe (I know I hardly did) the amount of people that stopped to say hi, even by car! ALL of them were really supportive and thrilled of the idea to paint those cabinets. Some took pictures, while I was painting, and I was even offered a coffee and a beverage!!
Such understanding public is SO important and supportive while creating, at least to me it was. Those six hours were really fun to do and my mood was really uplifted with the cheers and positive criticism I was given.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you Michel! It's the second time I merged two or more paintings from Bob into one creation. It's really a very grateful challenge.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Joha59, that's just what I was thinking as well! Bob would've jumped into the air seeing this!! Who knows, he might've done this also in his life, I would LUV to see that!

Till next one!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Thank you so much Felix!
My woes isn't completely over yet but I must admit, this project was a very positive boost to me. With lots of rest at times (my car was only meters away), I managed this in some six hours. And feel hungry for more!

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

So thrilled for your cheers Sandy, thank you dearly!

I merged paintings before and often with a stunning result. These two weren't matching at all but that was intentional, since the theme for this project was 'DIVERSITY'. Mostly that goes for people but to me, landscapes can also be a part of that. Of all 22 creations in my city and surrounding municipalities, I was the only one with a landscape.
You know .... if you lived close by, I would've surely invited you to paint a moose in my snow scenery!!

Such a great project to be invited to. Well done it looks absolutely fabulous.

Voy Kay Conqueror of Challenges

Hi LJM, thanks for your cheers!

Indeed, when you stand in front of this (about man heigth), it can be best appreciated. Quite a giant to paint though!!

Beautiful work Voy, I cannot imagine the challenge of painting with acrylic that’s drying immediately. Where there’s a will there’s a way and you nailed it!

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